Page name: Megatokyo Fans Unite [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-11-21 00:40:19
Last author: J Kale
Owner: Cloudwatcher
# of watchers: 15
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D20: 15
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MegaTokyo Fans Unite@wiki

New page owner:[Cloudwatcher]

Ok! I am going to make this wiki page a little more professional looking ^_^ ..This wiki page will be deticated to all those who love megatokyo ^_^ the wonderful online comic by Fred Gallagher ... ^O^ there is now even a online store where you can buy megatokyo stuff <is proud owner of 'Ninj4" hoodie> 

Other additions to this wiki:

Megatokyo Fans Unite-Fanart - Go here to post your fan art!

1337 0/\/|_y - this is where you go to chit chat with people who speak l33t... ^^


Megatokyo Strip of the Week

A similar wiki..that i think is cool.. 3v1l l33t5 ul\l1t3!

1. must love megatokyo/or want to know more about it ^_^ "rude" language if you know what i mean

3. To join just post your name and a small statement on why you love megatokyo ^^

Megatokyo Fans Unite

Please! to get this wiki page known, Post this banner in your house with a link to this page ^_^ thaknx!

Member list

1.)[Vynnie] megatokyo rocks. oh yeah ^^

2.)[RoninX] Largo is the L337 Chosen 1

3.)[Cloudwatcher] megatokyo rocks

4.)[D34D_L33T] Ph34|2 m`/ n4m3

5.)this member was banned


7)[Pnelma Tirian]

8) [Sarenyth_Elwood] Woot for Junpei the L33T N1nj4!!!

9) [Falx] ph34r m4 b33r! Megatokyo Poll <poll:20103>

10) [angrybuddhas.] ph34r m41 m4d l337 sp34k sk1lls!!!

11) [patient love.] blame [Kememmótar] for my addiction to

12) [Y.T.].. It's good stuff, imported some of the gear, well kewl

13)[and i was a kaleidoscope]

14)[Diro the Snicker] C4u53 1 h4\/3 l337 ]\[4|<|<1d 5k177z.. 4nd I 4]\/[ 4 l07 l1k3 Piro ^^ (For those non-l337-ish) Cause of my awsome leet naked skills and cause I am much like Piro in real life.

]( starry_eyes )- Megatokyo is great because the characters are so cool with interesting personalities. (and sorry it's not a link right there, it doesn't seem to be working...)

16) [Sana] - MEGATOKYO RULES!! I love Piro and Largo! they kick ass!

17) [Nyki] - Miho = <3. So does Boo. He squeeks in 1337!

18) [Kememmótar] |/\|311, i7 15 |\/|3g4 70y0.

19) [Cathos] Darkly Cute

20) [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx] ! 4m +h3 l33t 1! Ph33r m3! hahaha! (just jokin...) the Comic Rulz!
21) [Shadow_seraphim] B3c4us3 it is m4d L33t!!!

22) [ta 'hca with zi 'sta] So awsome in all its Awsomeness!!!

23) [Broken Dreams]

24) [Paz] Found it by accident on the internet and loved it!

25) [Cliché] W00t! Go Largo! T3h 3v1l, 1t'5 t00 much...

26) [Blacktiger55] very kool, when i was introduced i feel in love right away!

27) [spongemonkey] why I love megatokyo? BOO THE L337 RODENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOot!!!

28) [Reicheru] "He says he needs money." "What? Again!?!" ^.^ Dom and Ed are my favorite characters!!

29) [Line Viper] Ping is my favorite, but then there's the turtle with the giant booze bottle

30) [blackwitch] Go GREAT LARGO!!!!!BEER RULES!!!!Ups.......I whanted to say that in my mind ^_^' hehehehe...........

31) [J Kale] MT 15 73h m4d L337 :D

Username (or number or email):


2004-10-05 [Diro the Snicker]: lol..yeah

2004-10-08 [Cloudwatcher]: ^^;

2004-10-08 [D34D_L33T]: :P

2004-10-08 [Cloudwatcher]: =D

2004-10-08 [Cloudwatcher]: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!..........<wispers> "Megatokyo strip of the week is now changed!" <yells> NO ONE TOLD ME I WAS LATE!!!....<Sigh>

2004-10-09 [Cloudwatcher]: ...and it one cares...saddness...

2004-10-10 [diarh34]: ewwww your cool......

2004-10-11 [Cloudwatcher]: eh?

2004-10-12 [diarh34]: "you" your cool

2004-10-12 [Cloudwatcher]: why the "ewww" as in discust?

2004-10-12 [Diro the Snicker]: Using the sound as if it were a word. Kinda hard to tell by reading, doesn't it?

2004-10-12 [diarh34]: Yes sarcasm is not easily detected on the internet.It was not out of disgust.

2004-10-12 [diarh34]: Now may I go back to bed?

2004-10-12 [Diro the Snicker]: Yes you can, good night dude. Sleep with your teddy bear..=D

2004-10-12 [diarh34]: did you know....

2004-10-12 [Cloudwatcher]: lol i see.. oh well now i feel..i dunno..

2004-10-12 [diarh34]: Feel cool?

2004-10-12 [Diro the Snicker]: I have mental capabilities beyond my understanding.. or maybe it's just the egg on the frying pan..?_?

2004-10-12 [Cloudwatcher]: no..thats not it..

2004-10-12 [diarh34]: /me ignores the statement that was made at 17:14:01,and relizes he is not using mirc....

2004-10-12 [Diro the Snicker]: Hot?...Cold?.. Sick?.. Strong?.. l33t?.. Kinky?! @_@

2004-10-12 [diarh34]: wow....I love how you guys try.

2004-10-12 [Diro the Snicker]: Yes.. do that.. Ignore me! It's your only hope to survive in this hopeless world..

2004-10-12 [Cloudwatcher]: wow you guys must have fast internet unlike takes forever to load a comment...

2004-10-12 [Diro the Snicker]: What type of connection do you have? Dial-up? Dsl?

2004-10-12 [Diro the Snicker]: diarh34, one thing. Your computer looks awsome *thumbs up*

2004-10-12 [Cloudwatcher]: damn aol..dial sux

2004-10-12 [Diro the Snicker]: Aol sucks.. and dial-up sucks too.. not a very good combination. But at least you have internet =D. Always have to look at the bright side ;D

2004-10-12 [diarh34]: 3meg cable

2004-10-12 [diarh34]: and thanks Diro

2004-10-12 [Diro the Snicker]: That's awsome, and you're welcome!

2004-10-12 [Diro the Snicker]: I'm still waiting for cable to be active in my area. Bloody company won't put it up already >.<

2004-10-12 [Cloudwatcher]: yea i suppose.

2004-10-12 [diarh34]: Yeah I had to deal with dial-up aka 56gay for years and just recently was able to obtain cable.

2004-10-12 [Cloudwatcher]: yea..<sigh> <Wishes>

2004-10-12 [diarh34]: Being peak hours I'm really only getting 2.5 megs.

2004-10-12 [Cloudwatcher]: oh..ONLY??

2004-10-12 [Diro the Snicker]: That's pretty good...

2004-10-12 [Diro the Snicker]: 169 k here..

2004-10-12 [Diro the Snicker]: Anyways. going to watch a movie, see ya dudes.

2004-10-12 [diarh34]: sorry for long response,was busy.I got bored ^.-

2004-10-12 [Cloudwatcher]: ttfn

2004-10-12 [diarh34]: .....ttfn?

2004-10-12 [Cloudwatcher]: ta ta for now

2004-10-12 [Cloudwatcher]: btw..will you not put such LARGE pics in the comments space?

2004-10-12 [Cloudwatcher]: please?

2004-10-12 [diarh34]: lawl your right it pwns 56gay

2004-10-12 [Cloudwatcher]: what?

2004-10-12 [Diro the Snicker]: lol.. means it's bad on 56k

2004-10-12 [Cloudwatcher]: ah..silly me not updated in terms

2004-10-13 [Diro the Snicker]: It happens...=D

2004-10-13 [D34D_L33T]: i got 0.5 but i can get 28mb thinks if i should do it

2004-10-13 [diarh34]: ......

2004-10-13 [D34D_L33T]: umm no im 15 soon 16 and i think ive all ready said that to you (or mayby its some english joke that i dont understand)

2004-10-13 [diarh34]: did someone ask your age......

2004-10-13 [Cloudwatcher]: <is lost>

2004-10-13 [Diro the Snicker]: I think he got confused with that quote..

2004-10-13 [diarh34]: I like pie.

2004-10-13 [Cloudwatcher]: i like pie to

2004-10-13 [diarh34]: too*

2004-10-13 [Diro the Snicker]: Cherry Pie! =D

2004-10-13 [Falx]: Pie? Where? *Wants some pie*

2004-10-14 [Diro the Snicker]: None for you! *takes pie away from you* My..pie...mmmm.....piiiiiieeeeee......

2004-10-14 [Cloudwatcher]: i like coconut cream pie..and raspberry..those are my favs..

2004-10-15 [Diro the Snicker]: I like anything as long as it has pie in the name.. xept cow pie..

2004-10-15 [Falx]: Pretty please, Diro.... pretty, pretty please? I really want some pie...

2004-10-15 [Diro the Snicker]: Want some pie, huh?..*slams a pie on your face* There you go...M'kay.. XD

2004-10-15 [Cloudwatcher]: hhahaha..<throws pie at everyone> hahahhahah

2004-10-15 [D34D_L33T]: oh no pie war, dont kill the pies they have done nothing, they youst whant too live in peace

2004-10-15 [Cloudwatcher]: well..we will eat them after! we are in a big clean room..all sanitary

2004-10-15 [D34D_L33T]: oh may your soul burn in hell... (looks around then makes a mainiacs laughter and begins to eat all the pies)

2004-10-15 [Cloudwatcher]: ummm./..pie...<throws pie at [D34D_L33T]>

2004-10-15 [D34D_L33T]: mmm (ate the pie in the air)

2004-10-15 [Cloudwatcher]: umm...arnt you full yet?

2004-10-15 [Falx]: YAY! PIE!

2004-10-16 [Diro the Snicker]: Whoa...pie madness...x_x

2004-10-16 [diarh34]: I'm such a trend setter

2004-10-16 [Diro the Snicker]: Evil trender...-_=

2004-10-16 [Cloudwatcher]: pie..*twitch* O.o

2004-10-17 [diarh34]: wow...gayness....some f*cktard of a "GUARD" removed the banner due to the "Uploading art" rules.....

2004-10-17 [Diro the Snicker]: Which banner?..oO;

2004-10-17 [Cloudwatcher]: for this wiki?!

2004-10-18 [diarh34]: yep [Athene Noctua] did....

2004-10-18 [diarh34]: rofl I got banned for like a day because of it

2004-10-18 [diarh34]: yeah I'm leaving et for a while,maybe it will grow a brain.and if not maybe the people that run it will.            later

2004-10-18 [Cloudwatcher]: eek..O.o

2004-10-18 [Diro the Snicker]: ..ok...x_x

2004-10-19 [Cloudwatcher]: ..^_^

2004-11-05 [Shadow_seraphim]: What's MegaTokyo? Could someone give me a link to a main site about it?

2004-11-05 [diarh34]: google.....

2004-11-05 [diarh34]: or you could try

2004-11-05 [Shadow_seraphim]: KEWLIES!! That's awesome^_^ I haven't gotten very far, but is vera kewl!

2004-11-05 [Shadow_seraphim]: Umm, can I join?

2004-11-06 [D34D_L33T]: ugh now im mad, ok everybody knows it halloween and for no particulare reason some brats eggd my house... I went out and tried to kill them.. ;D (but, they were to far away, damn it):P

2004-11-07 [Shadow_seraphim]: Mean eggers!! That happened to us once... they were some of my dad's students^_^'

2004-11-07 [Cloudwatcher]: heh..yea you can join, you dont need to ask ^_^, my house got typied on devils night

2004-11-07 [Shadow_seraphim]: Yay!!! I is newbie member^_^

2004-11-07 [Shadow_seraphim]: What's devil's night?

2004-11-07 [Cloudwatcher]: the night before halloween. ^_^

2004-11-07 [Shadow_seraphim]: oh'_' I went to a lock in that night^_^

2004-11-07 [Shadow_seraphim]: At my friend's church;p

2004-11-07 [Cloudwatcher]: lol ^_^

2004-11-07 [Shadow_seraphim]: Whaso funny?

2004-11-07 [Cloudwatcher]: nothing...i didnt see the last part when i wrote it ^_^

2004-11-07 [Shadow_seraphim]: oh

2004-11-07 [Cloudwatcher]: ^_^

2004-11-07 [Shadow_seraphim]: lol^_^

2004-11-12 [ninje]: HOLA

2004-11-12 [D34D_L33T]: hola

2004-11-12 [Shadow_seraphim]: Hola^_^ Como esta?

2004-11-13 [ninje]: plz go to demon house

2004-11-13 [Cloudwatcher]: CHO!!!!!! heh, its my greeting youve all been CHOED!! bwhahaha

2004-11-13 [ninje]: ok

2004-11-13 [Cloudwatcher]: lol you seem so happy about it

2004-11-15 [D34D_L33T]: of course who wouldent have been choed by you :P

2004-11-15 [Cloudwatcher]: lol, if you didnt note the sarcasticness of that

2004-11-16 [D34D_L33T]: i did, but i often reply to such things :P bad habbit

2004-11-16 [ninje]: *chos back*CHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ha i win

2004-11-16 [Falx]: MOOGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-11-16 [ninje]: moogle?COOL

2004-11-16 [Cloudwatcher]: lol its a funny habbit, ^_^, MOOSE!! moogle! megal, smegal!!!!!  CHO!

2004-11-16 [ninje]: CHO doesnt really belong does it?

2004-11-16 [Cloudwatcher]: it does in my world!!! bwhahha

2004-11-17 [Falx]: c0|)3 m0n|<33z...

2004-11-18 [Cloudwatcher]: <0|>3 |\/|0053!!!

2004-11-18 [ninje]: <0l)3 1337l\l3$$ \/4l\/l9ir3$

2004-11-21 [Shadow_seraphim]: I... I can't believe it...

2004-11-21 [Shadow_seraphim]: I READ IT ALL THE WAY TO THE LAST PAGE!!!!!!!!!!! Please update! Need... more... L337n355!!!!!!

2004-11-22 [D34D_L33T]: crap, i got zero wing :), but i wont work!!!??? how why is the world so cruel....

2004-11-22 [Cloudwatcher]: what in hte world are you talking about?

2004-11-22 [Shadow_seraphim]: I dunno^_^

2004-11-23 [Cloudwatcher]:  my question was more aimed at [D34D_L33T] lol ^_^

2004-11-23 [D34D_L33T]: what!? you dont know what zero wing is.. ok, have youve ever heard "all your base are belong to us" it from that game

2004-11-23 [Diro the Snicker]: I saw a Flash video like remaking it or something.. funny as hell.. it's like a musik video... lemme se if I can get the link, you guys should see it

2004-11-23 [Shadow_seraphim]: rofl!!! Yeshiesh! All your base ARE belong to us !!!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

2004-11-24 [Falx]: I have that saved on my computer! It's CLASSIC GEEK! You know what you doing Take off every Zig!

2004-11-24 [Shadow_seraphim]: What's a 'zig'?o_0?

2004-11-24 [Cathos]: Zig: Aeroplane, the model used by the game characters to shoot things.

2004-11-24 [Shadow_seraphim]: Ooooh, got it^_^

2004-11-26 [Cloudwatcher]: lol i saw the "all your back are belong to us music viedo i loved it beyond, but i didnt know the game it came from ^_^

2004-11-26 [D34D_L33T]: w333 it works now, ive put it on my xbox, and it works!!!11!1!!!

2004-11-27 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: h|_|P,P,J!!

2004-11-27 [Cloudwatcher]: lol

2004-11-27 [Shadow_seraphim]: You can put it on an xbox? KEWL!!! All I got is a playstation, the first^_^'

2004-11-28 [D34D_L33T]: yes you can put it on a xbox, only if you have chipped it before

2004-11-28 [D34D_L33T]: btw i have completed HL2, it was sw33t (exept the loding parts, that sucked)

2004-11-28 [Falx]: Has anyone here seen Red vs. Blue?

2004-11-29 [Cloudwatcher]: O_O sunday was my first time ever playing Xbox..and think i played a playstation...once..a long long time ago..eek

2004-11-30 [diarh34]: consoles<PC......I hate consoles,but I did get the new slim ps2 cause it's teh secksy

2004-12-02 [Cloudwatcher]: GO SUPER NINTEDO FOR LIFE!!

2004-12-27 [Falx]: I once had a Nintendo, an SNES, Sega Genesis, Game Cube, PS2, and a Sega Saturn all hooked up to the same TV. Plus, my PC networked with my roomie's. I'm surprised we didn't get called on a fire hazard in our dorm. But, then, it's amazing what one can do with a bunch of power strips, some extension cords and a whole lot of duct tape ;)

2004-12-28 [Cloudwatcher]: O_O wow... that would be awsome....

2004-12-29 [Falx]: It was sweet. Unfortunately, most of the gaming systems were Lacy's so, when she graduated, I was left with just my one lowly Sega Genesis. ;_; Lacy's Game Station in her apartment though... wow. It's just Wow. This is why I loved being roomates with a Computer Science major *grin*

2004-12-30 [Cloudwatcher]: lol that would have its advantages ^_^

2004-12-30 [ninje]: \/4l\/l91r3$ r001

2005-02-02 [Diro the Snicker]: ..dude.. it's a 'p' .. not a 'q' ...

2005-02-02 [Cloudwatcher]: dude..itsa mistake..chill

2005-02-02 [Falx]: Dude.. why are we all saying, "dude"?

2005-02-02 [Cloudwatcher]: i dunno dude...he started it

2005-02-02 [Falx]: kay!

2005-02-02 [Cloudwatcher]: lol ^^

2005-02-02 [Diro the Snicker]: It's just weird to see -that- mistake in l33t... o.O;.. Vamqire?... That's just wrong..

2005-02-02 [Falx]: It's when vampires get together and sing in church.. duh!

2005-02-02 [Falx]: Sorry. That was a bad pun.

2005-02-02 [Cloudwatcher]: omg it was great! LOL

2005-02-02 [Diro the Snicker]: LOL!!! Well.. than I guess it wasn't a typo after all XP

2005-02-02 [Cloudwatcher]: i cant tell if that was extreamly sarcastic like i suspect..i dont like your attitude mister...;p

2005-02-03 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: That was funny!

2005-02-03 [Diro the Snicker]: o.o...

2005-02-03 [Cloudwatcher]: O_-

2005-02-03 [Diro the Snicker]: ..=_=

2005-02-03 [Cloudwatcher]: :S

2005-02-03 [Diro the Snicker]: >3

2005-02-16 [diarh34]: leet is newb.....

2005-02-16 [Cloudwatcher]: O_o ? i do not know this you mean l33t? O_O

2005-02-16 [diarh34]: whoops sorry i haven't spokin "leet' since I was you go "ohemgee l!3k 1337 !5 50 7h3 n0013z012"

2005-02-16 [diarh34]: That stung...

2005-02-16 [Cloudwatcher]: it shows that you havent 5p34k3|> l337 n 4 \/\/|-|

2005-02-16 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: VV()|,>|) (lol)

2005-02-17 [Falx]: So, who here is going to Katsucon this weekend?

2005-02-17 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: i don't even know how to pronouce that! (lol... Joking...) I vaugly remember a camp like that?

2005-02-17 [Falx]: It's an anime convention in Crystal City Virginia

2005-02-18 [diarh34]: Crystal City Vigina

2005-02-23 [Kaito The Ramen Bandit]: Ok so 1) can I join. 2) your new comic of the week is really old. 3) I got MT Vol. 3

2005-02-23 [diarh34]: Ok so 1)get a life. 2)touch a girl. 3)uh..get a life.

2005-02-23 [Cathos]: We have Snow! *goes outside to do Kimiko/Kotone impressions in it* [Kaito The Ramen Bandit]: Click to edit the page and type your name like the others. [diarh34]: Don't be mean or we will hire a Rentazilla to sort you out.

2005-02-23 [diarh34]: No entry found for Rentazilla.

2005-02-23 [Cathos]: Rentazillas are not ET users. If you don't understand the reference, I suggest you go and read MegaTokyo.

2005-02-23 [diarh34]: Who said they were ET users....

2005-02-23 [Cathos]: From your above comment, I assumed thats what you meant.

2005-02-23 [Cloudwatcher]: ^_______^ to [Kaito The Ramen Bandit] 1.) yes, no need to ask 2.) i know i have been extreamly lazy in changing one in this wiki has been helping and suggesting comics like I asked...>_<...3.) thats cool.......and [diarh34] if you continue to be the ass you have been since you joined...i will cancel your membership in this wiki...get a life dude..(RENTAZILLAS ROCK!) *cough*

2005-02-23 [Cloudwatcher]: man if you dont know what rentazilla is, go look at the strip of the week...O_______o

2005-02-23 [diarh34]: I have better things to do then read um being an ass

2005-02-23 [Cathos]: Why are you a member at a webcomic fan wiki then?

2005-02-23 [Cloudwatcher]: O_______o yea that dosen make a lot of sence...^________^

2005-02-24 [diarh34]: sense* cause I was into this shit when I was like 13

2005-02-24 [diarh34]: Torte ist gut

2005-02-24 [Falx]: I agree. Torte is very good. But, just for the record, [diarh34] isn't on the memberlist, unless he's the mysterious "enter lifeless persons name here"

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